
How to Apply

Applications for a September entry into Year 7 are made through the Kent County Council application process; this runs from September to the end of October each year. Offers are sent out by the KCC admissions team on National Offer Day in March. 

As well as the traditional September start for Year 7 pupils, we welcome enquiries from families looking to change schools at other times. Please click here for information on how to make an in-year application.

For further information about applying for a Secondary School place, please visit the KCC website here.

If you have any questions about the admissions process, please email

Oversubscription criteria

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where The Skinners’ Kent Academy is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:

  1. Children in public care.
  2. Compelling medical or other exceptional social reasons for attending the Academy.
  3. Admission of students whose siblings currently attend The Skinners’ Kent Academy and who will continue to do so on the date of admission.
  4. Children on roll at Skinners’ Kent Primary School on 1 September of the academic year in which a secondary school application is made.
  5. Children of staff employed by The Skinners’ Kent Academy.
  6. Admission of students, on the basis of proximity to the Academy using a straightline measurement.

In the event of a tie-break situation, distance will be used. In the unlikely event there are two or more applications of equal eligibility for the last remaining place at the Academy a random selection will be applied and independently verified.

Admissions Policies

Appeals Information