Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
"The SEND team is an asset to teaching and learning practice throughout the school. It has developed a robust curriculum for all vulnerable students, regardless of their SEND status.
The team supports the emotional intelligence and social skills of all students, with provision such as the ‘Aspire’ programme and the hub facility instrumental to this process". - Challenge Partners, 2025
The Skinners’ Kent Academy is committed to all students having access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
The Academy ensures that the educational needs of students are identified and addressed through an early diagnosis of learning needs. This information is used to shape the curriculum, academic and pastoral planning for each student. Wherever possible, all students with SEND are taught alongside their peers.
All teaching and support staff receive regular and up to date research informed training in teaching and learning strategies that ensure progress for all. This includes Quality First Teaching, The Graduated Approach and understanding the specific needs of individual students.
There is an Inclusion Profile and Quick Glance Strategies document for staff to use in their planning. Staff regularly share best practice and what works well for individual students. Each subject has a ‘Planning for Inclusion’ document informed by research and best practice.
Students with SEND are fully included in extra-curricular activities, trips and enrichment activities.
The Academy seeks the views of students and families and promotes links with families through a ‘Family Learning’ programme.
There are a number of initiatives to support students. ‘Haven’ is a quiet place for students at lunch time. ‘Aspire’ is designed to support students who need some extra help with the transition from primary to secondary school life. Our Forest School programme is designed specifically for students who attend Aspire.
The SEND department work closely with outside agencies such as Kent’s Specialist Teaching Services, Disability Services, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and Physiotherapists.
If you would like to learn more, please contact the SEND team and find our SEND policy, within the policy section of this website.
The Learners with Difficulties and Disabilities SEND Policy (LDD) outlines information regarding the ways in which we ensure all students have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, consistent with the whole Academy curriculum policy, in order to realise their full potential’ make outstanding academic and personal progress and grow to be equipped for their future lives. Provision may change and develop over time. Each Year Group has its own ‘Provision Resource Map’ showing what provision is available to support out range of SEND students.
If you wish to contact the SEND department you can email us at send@skinnerskent.org.uk or call the Academy on 01892 534377, and ask for the SEND department.
SEND Management Team
SEND Management Staff
Mr D Rowe, Assistant Principal Inclusion (SENDCO)
Mrs S Newman, Inclusion Manager
Mrs W Fronda, Assistant Inclusion Manager
Mrs H Bampton, SEND Teacher
If you wish to contact the SEND department you can email us at send@skinnerskent.org.uk or call the Academy on 01892 534377, and ask for the SEND department.
Inclusion Newsletters
Inclusion Newsletter - March 2023
Inclusion Newsletter - July 2023
Inclusion Newsletter - December 2023
Useful Contacts & Links
ADHD Foundation
Registered Charity Number 1120898
3rd Floor,
54 St James Street,
L1 0AB
Website: https://adhdfoundation.org.uk
National Autistic Society
393 City Road
London EC1V 1NG
Phone: 0207 833 2299
Website: www.autism.org.uk
West Kent: Maidstone SEN Team
SEN Manager: Dave Holland
Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Worrall House
30 Kings Hill Avenue
Kings Hill
West Malling
Kent ME19 4AE
British Dyslexia Association
Unit 8, Bracknell Beeches
Old Bracknell Lane
Bracknell RG12 7BW
Phone: 03334 054555
Helpline: 0333 405 4567
Email: helpline@bdadyslexia.org.uk
Website: www.bdadyslexia.org.uk
Dyspraxia Foundation
8 West Alley
Hertfordshire SG5 1EG
Phone: 01462 455 016
Helpline: 01462 454 986
Email: dyspraxia@dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk
Website: www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk