Curriculum & Assessment


Our Curriculum Intent

The International Baccalaureate lies at the heart of our curriculum offer; it is through our promotion of international mindedness, communication and interdisciplinary learning that we aim to nurture aspiration in our students and prepare them to consider their own futures and the future of our planet. We do focus on core, foundational skills and, significantly, the knowledge base is global. All students will learn to speak a foreign language, all students will study a diverse range of writers, thinkers and scientists and all students will have opportunities to demonstrate their expressive and ethical capabilities as well as their intellectual capabilities. Creativity is valued and students have opportunities to use their knowledge, skills and learning to create tangible artefacts and projects. Students learn to disagree well and explicitly explore where we get our knowledge and information; they are critical and accepting of a broad range of voices and opinions. In class students ask questions; they ask questions of any teacher about any subject because they know that all learning is linked. Students feel safe to take risks and make bold connections, following their own lines of enquiry.

We understand that our curriculum is ambitious and our intake is broad and so we place great emphasis on inclusion. Students have different starting points, but all study the same ideas and knowledge and all work towards the same goals. Students will leave their seven year journey at SKA with a the best possible grades to give them meaningful choices. They will also leave with a shared understanding of knowledge as global, how to solve problems and how to have a positive impact on their local, national and global community. All students will be able to point to moments of success throughout their seven years. They will use these successes as a source of confidence and foundation to make informed and aspirational choices about their future careers and lives and the future of the planet.

As they progress through our curriculum, students will:

  • Establish a global knowledge base and discover diverse voices
  • Learn to disagree well
  • Ask questions and create connections
  • Create artefacts and projects with expressive and ethical scope 

As a result, our students become:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective

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