
Curriculum Assessment

MYP Curriculum And Assessment (Years 7-9)

All students study the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP), which encourages a broad and balanced curriculum. Students are taught by specialist teachers across eight subject areas: English, MFL, Mathematics, Science, Arts, PE, Technology and Humanities. All students are assessed termly, with assessments focusing on both the curriculum and MYP assignments. Students will receive regular feedback from their teachers; feedback can be written, verbal or whole class. Our focus is on leveraging student progress. Throughout the academic year we report to parents on student progress, allowing them to see that their children are moving forwards.

All students, prior to starting at the Academy, sit Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT4), these provide a robust, standardised measure of reasoning ability. The mean CAT4 score is used to determine the GCSE target band for those students in Years 7-9.. These GCSE target bands are used internally to track and monitor progress of students so that we ensure all students are making progress in line with expectations from their starting point in Year 7.

The programme:

  • encourages international-mindedness in IB students, starting with a foundation in their own language and culture;
  • promotes a positive attitude to learning by challenging students to solve problems, show creativity and resourcefulness, and participate actively in their communities;
  • reflects real life by providing a framework that allows students to see the connections among the subjects themselves, and between the subjects and real issues;
  • supports the development of communication skills to encourage enquiry, understanding and language acquisition, and to allow student reflection and expression;
  • emphasises, through the learner profile, the development of the whole student – physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.
  • is exciting, innovative, meeting students’ personalised needs, satisfying all National Curriculum requirements and providing a framework for all national qualifications and accreditation, including GCSE.

The Learner Profile at the centre of the MYP identifies the attitudes and attributes that we are seeking to develop in all of our Academy students.

As an IB World school, we track and report students’ Middle Years Programme (MYP) progress according to specified assessment criteria that correspond to the objectives of each subject group.

Teachers are responsible for structuring varied and valid MYP assessment tasks (including tests and examinations) that will allow students to demonstrate achievement according to the objectives for each subject group. MYP assessments can take many forms in order to satisfy the four criteria within their subject area.

Each of the four criteria within each subject area are graded from 1 (lowest) to 8 (highest)

  • In Year 7 students are assessed against MYP Assessment Criteria Year 1
  • In Years 8 & 9 students are assessed against MYP Assessment Criteria Year

GCSE Curriculum And Assessment (Years 10-11)

In Year 10 students will begin their studies of GCSEs from Year 10. We believe that the MYP, with its focus on the learner profile, perfectly prepares students to be excellent learners as they embark upon their GCSE courses. All students in Years 10 and 11 study GCSE courses in English, Maths, Science and MFL, in addition to the choices they make in Technology, Expressive Arts and Humanities. All students are assessed termly.. These grades are shared with parents/carers and students throughout the academic year.

In Years 10 and11 students are preparing to complete their GCSE examinations and as such are assessed against GCSE criteria. Students take written examinations at the end of their courses and in some cases NEA (non examination assessment) that contribute to their final grade. At significant assessment points, students will be graded by their teachers 9-1.

Sixth Form (Year 12 & 13)

All Year 12 & 13 students complete the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP).

There are three assessed elements within the IBCP

  • Two - four Diploma IB Courses
  • An approved Career-related Qualification for all students
  • IBCP Core

Diploma Courses

Diploma courses within the IBCP are assessed in accordance with rigorous international standards. Students take written examinations at the end of their courses, which are marked by external IB examiners. The grades awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). Each of the Diploma courses includes a percentage of internal assessment. 

Applied Courses (Career-Related Qualification)

Details of the assessment of the career-related qualifications can be found via the subject links. All career-related qualifications are equivalent to a Level 3 qualification.  As such, they are appropriate for university entry or apprenticeships and they are recognised within their specific industries. 


Every CP student must complete the four elements of the CP core. These are:

  • Reflective Project
  • Service Learning
  • Personal and Professional Skills
  • Language Development

The Reflective Project is assessed internally and externally moderated and graded by the IB. Projects are graded from A to E, with A being the highest grade. The Academy are responsible for confirming with the IB that students have completed the requirements for Service Learning, Personal and Professional Skills and Language Development; these are assessed internally.