
Governors' Roles and Responsibilities

Multi-Academy Trust

The Skinners' Kent Academy (SKA) is part of Skinners' Academies Trust. To view the structure of the MAT, please click here.

For membership of the MAT board and other Committees please visit our Multi Academy Trust website here.

SKA Local Governing Body (SKA LGB)

  • Neil Pegrum (Chair)
  • Mark Howard 
  • Ed Wesson
  • Julian Metcalf
  • Grant Morffew
  • Gillian Arthur 
  • Jeremy Stanyard  
  • Amanda Mays
  • Georgina Waghorn
  • Alex Gleed (Staff Governor) 
  • Matthew Wheeler (Parent Governor)  

The profiles of the Governors of The Skinners' Kent Academy can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Meet The Team


The SKA Local Governing Body’s role is to:

  • Develop a vision for the Academy
  • Challenge the performance of the Academy
  • Work with the Principal and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to set targets for the students in the school
  • Ensure there are proper HR and performance management systems in place for staff
  • Provide support and encouragement, and recognise and celebrate achievement


The SKA Local Governing Body’s key responsibilities are to:

  • Ensure quality educational provision
  • Challenge and monitor the performance of the school
  • Manage finance and property
  • Employ staff
  • Co-operate with other staff and institutions
  • Plan the strategic direction of the Academy, alongside the Principal and SLT

The day to day running of the Academy is the responsibility of the Principal.

Monitoring and evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation that the SKA Local Governing Body undertakes covers areas such as:

  • Curriculum, assessment and attainment
  • Behaviour and attendance
  • Views of school and local community
  • Staffing and budget
  • Accountability
  • Academy Improvement Plan

Governor training

Governors receive a training session prior to each Full Governing Body meeting. Further training is delivered at: a biennial Governor Away day; an Annual Governor and Senior Leadership Team training session at Skinners' Hall (organised by The Skinners' Company) and in other sessions as required. All governors are also required to complete two online training courses annually - Safeguarding and Child Protection and Prevent Training.

Governor Meeting Dates

SKA Local Governing Body

  • Thursday 26 September 2024
  • Thursday 23 January 2025 
  • Wednesday 11 June 2025 
  • Saturday 11 January 2025 (Away day) 

SKA & SKPS Finance & General Purposes Committee

  • Wednesday 6 November 2024 
  • Tuesday 18 March 2025 
  • Wednesday 4 June 2025 

Contact Details

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please write to:  

Neil Pegrum
Chair of Governors
c/o The Skinners’ Kent Academy
Sandown Park
Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN2 4PY

Register of Business Interests