
Exam Results

For details about our exam results, please see the Department for Education performance tables here. These show the most recent results for 2021/22.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, most exams and assessments did not take place in the 2019 to 2020, or 2020 to 2021 academic years. The government also announced that it would not publish school or college level results data on compare school and college performance (also commonly referred to as school and college performance tables) in autumn 2020 or autumn 2021, and that this data would not be used to hold schools and colleges to account.  

Key Stage 5 results

2022 outcomes

Academic average point score: 31.26

Academic average point score expressed as grade: C

Applied General average point score: 28.91

Applied General average point score expressed as grade: Merit+

*There will be no L3VA (value added) scores this year due to the DfE commitment not to use 2020 results in school performance measures (this cohorts GCSEs are not being used as prior attainment in the L3VA calculations)


Additional Key Stage 5 results 

Retention (2019) 


Students progressing to education or employment  



IB subjects world comparison

IB Grades



Key Stage 4 Results 

2022 Outcomes 

Progress 8 score 


Attainment 8 score 


Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs 


Percentage of students entering the English Baccalaureate 


EBacc average point score 


Staying in education or entering employment 



This is the first time that data has been published since the start of the pandemic. The Department for Education has been clear that, given the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on different students, schools and colleges, this data should be treated with caution. Below you will find an explanation of the data which has been produced, the changes in how it has been presented, and to provide some context about how the exams this summer were affected.

What data has been published?

The data published Thursday 20 October 2022 includes the following:

For secondary schools:

  • Our Academy’s Progress 8 figure (the relative progress of our students in eight subjects, compared to students with similar levels of attainment at the end of primary school).
  • Our Academy’s Attainment 8 figure (the raw score achieved by our students in the same eight subjects).
  • The percentage of our students who entered the Ebacc (a government measure which means students took all of English, maths, sciences, a language, and history or geography GCSE).
  • Our Academy’s Ebacc average point score (our students’ average score in the same Ebacc subjects).
  • The overall figure for how many of our students entered GCSEs.
  • How many of our students stay in education or employment after Year 11.
  • The percentage of our students achieving a grade 5 or higher in both English and maths GCSEs.
What’s different this year?

The government has made a number of changes to the website where they display school and college results ( ). These include:

  • changing the name of the website from ‘Compare school and college performance’ to ‘Find and check the performance of schools and colleges in England’
  • removing the table of all schools’ national performance
  • removing the ability for users to create their own tables of selected schools and colleges
  • removing the red / amber / green ratings on school performance measures

All of this is designed to discourage users from making direct comparisons between schools and colleges this year or comparing this year’s data to previous years’.

Why can’t data be compared this year?

The government, and the schools’ inspectorate Ofsted, acknowledge that the impact of the pandemic was not the same across all schools and colleges. Even within a local area or town, the impact of the pandemic was very different.

Therefore, they are clear that data can only tell us so much and should be used as the basis for a conversation rather than being used to directly compare one school or college with another.

We hope this explanation is helpful in enabling you to understand this year’s performance data for SKA.